Airbrush Glass Painting, Adding Color to Sand-Carved Glass Art, by Raphael Schnepf
In his second DVD, Raphael Schnepf presents step-by-step instructions to guide you through airbrush painting sand carved glass. Learn the ins and outs of design transfer, masking, sand carving, airbrush painting and backing techniques. Get started on the right footing with proven methods and techniques that will avoid common problems and mistakes.
Don –
Author has wide experience and give very important tips in being successful with airbrushing carved glass. Video gives thorough explanation but only on one application–a mirror. When do you use opaque as opposed to translucent paint? An application on regular glass would have been helpful. What are various applications could be helpful. Waiting for second dvd by this author.
Dave –
This is an excellent “show and tell” video covering both sand carving and adding color to your carving with an airbrush.
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Airbrush Glass Painting, Adding Color to Sand-Carved Glass Art – Fusion Headquarters Inc.